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  德国威乐公司已经成为创新的产品和高品质的测量和清洗仪器的代名词,有70多年的生产机械和技术刷历史。威乐的总部设在德国的Bad Wünnenberg,但在世界各地有很高的市场占有率,公司在捷克、意大利、美国及台湾等均设有子公司。



Wohler GS 220气体嗅探器

2009/12/25 11:10:48 阅读:652次

  • 产品系列名称:Wohler GS 220气体嗅探器
  • 产品定货号:MR-04271-00
  • 产地:德国
  • 品牌:威乐
  • 推荐:
The Wohler GS 220 is a highly sensitive and quick responsive Gas Sniffer to control tightness and to detect leakage of gas lines. The LEDs and the acoustic signal, which can also be heard over head phones, indicate even the smallest leaks. The Wohler GS 220 has a 440 mm flexible gooseneck that helps to access hard to reach spots. The Wohler GS 220 Gas Sniffer indicates the volume of the gas concentration of methane and propane in LEDs by stage (40 ppm to 640 ppm). The instrument is perfect for the control of gas lines carrying combustible gases.

产品编号 产品名称 产品简介 产品价格
MR-04271-00 Wohler GS 220 气体嗅探器 0¥
